
Here's the winter comes again Bringing the severe cold once again Reminding me of its harsh memories again Surprising, sentimental and all not fair Warming my senses with all those cups of tea which I have drunk along with my tears Here's the winter comes again Bringing the severe cold once again Making me feel … Continue reading Winter

“She tried to save herself from the world and lost her soul in her home”

Untold Stories We live in a world, where we hear tragic stories every single day. But unfortunately, there are some stories which never made their way to the headlines. These stories take place behind the walls of our honorable and respectable homes. These stories belong to the ones who are living every single moment of … Continue reading “She tried to save herself from the world and lost her soul in her home”

Suffocating, yes that’s what it feels like to live in this delusional world

Sometimes I don't understand the purpose of human existence. I mean, what's the point of this delusional life where humans are suffering everywhere and everything is all about give and take. Where humans are treated or judged by their standard of living. And relationships are solely based on how understanding you are when it comes … Continue reading Suffocating, yes that’s what it feels like to live in this delusional world